Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lucy's blog

Jeff thinks we should leave this blog strictly for updates about Maddie and hailey, should we ever feel inclined to blog about anything normal...our lives are not normal anymore, and they wont be ever again, but Hailey and Maddie continue to be a normal part of our lives and they deserve their own blog.

I haven't been doing a lot lately, and it feels so ungodly weird to open a blog specifically so I can talk about my dead baby, but it makes seense, in its own way. Does anyone want to read it? Probably not. But it's there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I came across a post you put on our April 2010 Birth Club and I had to check out your blogs. I am so sorry for your loss. At first I thought it was a miscarriage but I can't really tell from your blog. I'm going to follow your blogs because anybody who can lose a baby and still breathe is a person that I admire. We miscarried in April at 13 weeks gestation... and are cautiously expecting our 2nd child in April 2010 (with you!). Good luck! Katie

    Katiebatie83 on babycenter
